The history of martial arts is traced to 527 A.D when emperor Wu Di invited a Monk named Bodhidharma from India. Bodhidharma was invited to assist Chinese monks improve their physical and mental health. When traveling across China, the monk stumbled upon a Buddhist temple that was under attack. The monks were too weak to defend themselves. Bodhidharma meditated for nine years on what he could do to assist fellow monks.
Kata simply means the execution of all the moves a trainee has learned in succession. The main advantage of kata is that the moves can be executed in full force without the risk of injuring the partner. Practicing kata also teaches martial artists fighting rhythm and uplift their spirits. It simulates a real fight because the learner feels and experience the movements at full force without having to hold back for fear of injuring a partner. Practicing kata is also effective for executing dangerous moves that cannot be practiced with a partner.
Goal setting is one trait that all successful people share in common. Prominent business people, athletes and all high achievers in society owe their success to goal setting. Martial art is a sport that is heavily based on goal setting. Students set goals in mastering techniques and attaining milestones that will make them be promoted to the next level. Furthermore, it’s a common practice for martial arts schools to award students with great achievements. Read on to find out how enrolling your child in martial arts class teach them how to set goals.
Self-control is an important asset because it prevents you from doing regretful things, especially if taught in childhood. Most school curriculums don’t teach self-control at a personal level. In martial arts classes children are taught self-control at an early age. This helps them remain level headed when they encounter situations that are challenging. Loosing self-control can be an embarrassing thing. It can even get your child suspended or expelled from school. Read on to find out how enrolling your child in a martial arts class teaches them self-control.