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Goal-setting gives you a sense of the direction you want to take in life. People have long and short-term goals. For instance, attaining a black belt is a long-term goal in martial arts. When you embark on the journey to attain a black belt, you may encounter many challenges or even sustain injuries. Dedicated martial arts students never quit when they’re met with challenges. In addition, students review their goals every day, which helps them remain focus.

The goal-setting skills children learn in martial arts are transferable in real life. For instance, for us to achieve our dreams, we must come up with goals and the timeframe to accomplish them. This doesn’t only true for grownups, but it also applies to children. Goal setting also teach children the importance of hard work and patience. You can’t achieve your goals without the two. Hence, goal setting teaches children to focus on the process as opposed to the outcome.

Goal-setting is a valuable skill that you should teach to your children. Youths are easily distracted, which means it’s important to teach them goal-setting through small goals. The small goals help children focus. Motivation is also crucial in goal setting and children may lose interest if the goals appear irrelevant to them. Karate training gives your child the motivation he/she needs to achieve goals. It also teaches the child to focus on the task and not just the reward that comes with it.

If your child learns to set goals at an early age, it helps them in exploring what they are good at and what they’re not. Goal setting also help children develop self-confidence.

Karate is a goal-oriented activity that help children master the skills they need to succeed like setting goals. People who set goals and focus on achieving them often succeed. However, it’s not easy to set realistic and attainable goals. This’s where martial arts come in. Martial arts teach children to set attainable goals by teaching them the following:

  1. Writing goals down-Students are encouraged to write specific goals down alongside the deadline for attaining them.
  2. The expected reward for achieving the goal-It’s human nature to seek pleasure while avoiding pain. Martial arts students are encouraged to seek rewards that serve the greater good.
  3. Visualizing goals-Visualizing goals is an important, but undermined step. Most people are motivated by what they see. Martial arts students are encouraged to visualize their goals using collage.
  4. Measuring goals-In martial arts students set long-term and short-term goals. They further breakdown the goals into chunks with specific completion dates.

Martial arts teach children goal setting with practical lessons. Moreover, it teaches children how to structure goals and set realistic ones. One of the problems with young people nowadays is setting grandiose goals, which can only be pursued, but never attained. This has left many youths disappointed that they are failures when they actually not. Martial arts teach your child to set realistic goals and avoid disappointments.


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